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Reasons to Travel

Updated: May 30, 2023

It is no secret that we love to travel. We are always surprised when people ask why we love it so much. We are even more surprised when we learn of the vast amount of people who rarely leave wherever they call home. We are passionate about travel because it has so many amazing benefits. We decided to list a few. In no particular order:

Travel Reconnects Us. There is nothing like spending a few days together without the interruptions of work, responsibilities, and even other people to get a family or friends reconnected. The conversations, experiences, and time you will share cannot be replaced. Inevitably, you will laugh while traveling down a nostalgic road of past experiences, all while making new unforgettable memories.

Travel Takes Us Out of Our Comfort Zone. Let's face it. We like to be comfortable, and sometimes it's too easy to get stuck in the mediocrity of everyday life. Without even realizing it, we grow stagnant and frustrated. Travel is a really fun way to break the cycle of average and ordinary that we experience when we remain in one place infinitely. Travel forces you to expand your horizons, set new goals, learn new skills, and push yourself beyond your expected limitations.

Travel Creates Internal Peace and Rest. Your mind gets tired just like your body does, and most often, it is difficult to disconnect the mind from the busyness of your normal schedule. Occasionally, it is good to get away from everything that is constantly pulling on you and simply let your mind take a break. It is good to enjoy the moment, take in the beauty, and share the joy.

Travel Expands Your Horizons. You don't know what you don't know. Travel is a great way to learn about new people and places, assimilating the positives into your own life. It makes you more accepting and appreciative of the differences we see in others. Viewing others way of life will often challenge you to strive for more, but at other times, it will make you appreciative for what you already have. Either way, travel is a blessing.

Travel Introduces You to Great Food. We couldn't leave this one off the list. Going new places will cause you to try new things, including food. We love to ask the locals about their favorite places to eat. We try to make a habit of not eating fast-food or chain restaurants at our traveling destination. We want to have the whole experience of something new. There is a great world of dishes that you will miss if you never travel.

Travel Reenergizes You. I'm never ready to work and conquer the world like I am when getting back from an amazing trip. The daily grind can strip away your passion, no matter how much you love what you do. Travel helps you find that zeal again. It's a fact, studies have shown that people are more productive who learn to step away for a few days every now and then.

Travel Feeds the Longing. Within most of us, there is a longing for something more. Centuries before, this longing was easily fulfilled by embarking on pilgrimages to far and distant uncharted territories. Covered wagons across continents or ships across oceans, people would fulfill their longing for adventure by discovery. Today, not much has changed. We may no longer be able to travel to untamed lands, but that longing for adventure remains within most of us. Travel fulfills that inner longing.

Travel Teaches Us About Ourselves. Sometimes when traveling, we like to discuss what we learned. Inevitably, someone will share something that they learned, not about the place we are visiting, but about themselves. Travel does that. It provides the perfect place and opportunity for introspection. The greatest moments of calling and inspiration I have ever had were encountered away from the noise of life, usually while traveling.

Travel Strengthens Faith. While traveling, we often look at the beauty around us and comment on the grandeur of God witnessed through His creation. When hiking through snow covered mountain trails, snorkeling in the blue gentle waves of the ocean, kayaking through flowing rivers, standing at the precipice of high cliffs overlooking endless seas, wading through colorful valleys filled with flowers, or watching the sun rise or fall each day, it is impossible not to reconnect to the knowledge that God can do anything. We often comment on the fact that there is no way this world with all of its beauty and delicate balances could be a mere accident.

These are just a few of the big reasons we love to travel. We hope this inspires you to get out there and enjoy this vast world as well. Feel free to share your reasons with us!

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